Thursday, July 2, 2015

Birthday Countdown: Blood Bound [Finished Poem]

Do y'all remember when I did my advent project? Well, it'll be similar here as well... From June 22 to July 22, I will be creating and writing stuff for others. It'll be like a Hobbit Birthday Party! July 3rd, I'll have a special surprise up for my mum and daddy's 16th anniversary and July 4th I plan to post some fireworks with music! Otherwise, I'll be making art and writing poetry/stories until the big finale on my bday! xD Keep an eye out for it, yo!


Blood Bound

Copyright © 2015 Mari Fahel McKimzey

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love
Down this aisle of history, made one by His sacrifice
We are the Blood Bound Saints who mission out
Down the aisle of history, we walk in peace
We are the Blood Bound pilgrims, aliens to this world
His Body, the Beautiful Bride of He who loved us first
Broken we were in repentance, mended we are in love
And as The Chosen we cry out to the world, to all who hear
"There is healing for the lame and relief for the handicapped
There is peace through the pain and a path of mercy that is mapped
There is hope in every seemingly hopeless situation and love enough for all
There is a great faith chain reaction for the ones who answer the Call-- you who answer the Call!"

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