Thursday, June 25, 2015

Birthday Countdown: Wolves at the Gate Inspired

Do y'all remember when I did my advent project? Well, it'll be similar here as well... From June 22 to July 22, I will be creating and writing stuff for others. It'll be like a Hobbit Birthday Party! July 3rd, I'll have a special surprise up for my mum and daddy's 16th anniversary and July 4th I plan to post some fireworks with music! Otherwise, I'll be making art and writing poetry/stories until the big finale on my bday! xD Keep an eye out for it, yo!
Copyright © 2015 Mari Fahel McKimzey

When I listened to a song, I was inspired to create this. In it I wanted to express Christ taking on the full wrath of God, represented as the flame, and the blood that flows from the middle heart... There are supposed to be 12 spirals that stand for the 12 disciples, and then the hearts that are on the outer rim spreading through the end of time, some fading into darkness and others standing in the light.

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